Meet Our Learners

Meet our learners!
Find out how they have used their new-found skills to succeed!

(We will continue to update this page so you can get to know other learners.)

Name: Manie Chelley
Background: from Liberia, Africa
Latest Update: Housekeeper at Community General Osteopathic Hospital

Manie's Story:
Manie and her family came to the USA in 2005 to escape the civil war in Liberia.  Manie was able to speak broken English, but could not yet read or write it well. 

At CPLC Manie learned to write her name, address, and phone number and even acquired skills that allowed her to be able to use the public transportation system on her own. 

These new skills gave Manie the freedom and know-how to get a full-time job at the hospital in Harrisburg.  She was able to gain employment which she both enjoys and gives her self-respect and dignity. 

Manie says, "I work, I have my own money, and I love my job!"


  1. M, who comes to CPLC from Senegal by way of Camp Hill, demonstrated a new skill today. She signed her name in cursive. Great job, M and Tutor Joyce C.

  2. Congrats to Tutor Mark from New Cumberland, and Learner Veronica J. She's investigating new English vocabulary to help her at work, home, and play.

  3. Welcome to Isabel. She and her husband visited for the first time today and participated in the Intake Interview. She is interested in improving her English, so she may advance in her employment possibilities.

  4. On Wednesday, May 1st, there is a blind taste test in the Lemoyne office around noon. Volunteers, Tutors, and learners will sample and compare fundraising subs and sandwiches for a Sub&Sandwich fundraiser this spring. Pamela says she'll bring chips and turn it into an indoor picnic.

  5. Annual Meeting will be Saturday, August 10th. It will be an indoor picnic-style gathering at the Lemoyne Boro Building Community Room on Herman Avenue. It's 1:00 till 3:00 and potluck. Everyone is Invited. Bring your family for good food, and the fun of meeting other people who come to learn, come to tutor, and come to volunteer.

    You'll hear all the news, what's next, and share the success of a great 2012-2013. It was a very good year for tutoring and learning!

  6. Congratulations, Mohamed J. as you prepare for your citizenship test in Philadelphia next week ! Your practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening in English will help you in every aspect of your life in the United States
